About Data Loss and Recovery on a Working Mac Drive
If you have not experienced data loss from your Mac but you are reading this article, you are wise. Data loss can be near occurring on your Mac when you notice your computer slowing down from a performance perspective. Here is where being proactive can help in warding off lost data by running purchased data recovery software for the Mac before you realize data is lost.
When you become aware that data from your Mac is lost, it is a good idea to have your hard disk checked for consistency and physical wear. The Mac data (and hard disk) recovery software you select should do this for you once you load the program. The program will report back the health of the hard drive and give you opportunity to recover lost data, provided the data has not been overwritten by your Mac hard disk. For any defects found on the Mac hard disk, the program marks (or advises you) the defective area and keeps files from being written.
There are many manufacturers of Mac data recovery software. Finding one that works for you takes a bit of web research or research at an electronics store. You will quickly come to know the ones that are most popular. You might want to search for comments and reviews about products you find online so that you can get a clearer picture of the road others have been down (the pros, the cons, the things to watch out for, etc) for a particular product.
As a rule of thumb, at least investigate data recovery software for your Mac before you need it to become familiar with the various manufacturers and tools on the market that would suit your Mac computer’s needs when data recovery is necessary. It is also a smart move to note any unusual message displayed to you by the Mac operating system or unusual disk activity and definitely respond to such by checking out data and hard drive recovery tools online or at your local supplier.
About Data Recovery on an inoperable hard drive
Data recovery software for the Mac is often bundled with both hard disk troubleshooting and recovery and file recovery software. If your hard disk is inoperable, running such software from a CD or DVD is the way to go. Emergency boot-up software should be included with the data recovery software you select. A robust data recovery software will be able to recover lost files and records from an inoperable hard disk and can help restore the master boot record to put your hard disk in a known boot state so that it can work if there are no physical damages to the disk from wear and tear.