Nokia has just launched the super slim Nokia X3 Touch and Type device, which offers a unique combination of a touch screen and traditional numbered keypad. X3 features a 2.4” QVGA screen up to 262K colors, 5 megapixel camera, 3G, HSPA, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.1, MicroUSB, 3.5 mm AV connector, and runs on Series 40 UI.
§ 5 Trendy colors – White Silver, Dark Metal, Petrol Blue, Pink, Lilac
§ Dedicated music key for instant music player access or tap the radio icon to tune in to FM radio. Discover new tracks at Ovi Music Store.
§ Dedicated messaging key for direct access to SMS/MMS
§ The keypad is ideal for messaging and calls, while the touch screen allows easy access to social networking and smooth internet browsing.
Price – Nokia X3 is expected to retail for approximately EUR 125, excluding taxes and subsidies. So what’s your take on this value for money phone?