DBAN (Darik Boot And Nuke), a bootable Wipe Hard Drive CD that allow you allow you to destructively wipe / delete / erase a disk (floppy disks, hard disks, etc), or a partition that it sees on a system, making it very useful for unattended data destruction scenarios. This bootable wipe hard drive CD can be booted from a floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive and supports various hard disk format such as PATA (IDE), SCSI and SATA hard drives exists for Intel x86 and PowerPC systems.
Once boot up BDAN, you’re able to wipe out the whole hard disk contents or can select specific hard drivesor partitions for deleting (shredding). To wipe out the whole data type “autonuke” When it loads, or hit Enter key at startup to get option for deleting specific hard drives or partitions. Meanwhile, DBAN is erase data files until data is permanently removed and no longer recoverable, which is achieved by overwriting the data with random numbers generated by Mersenne twister or ISAAC ( PRNG).
How to Use Bootable Wipe Hard Drive CD
1. Download DBAN ISO images
2. Burn DBAN ISO Images with CD DVD burning software.
3, Once finish burning, insert bootable wipe hard drive CD into CD ROM or DVD ROM and boot the computer by loading CD ROM media first.
4. Then a DOS screen will be loading as below. Hit Enter to start booting the DBAN Interface Mode.
So, DBAN is definitely data destruction utility to wipe or destruct your hard drive data permanently specially you want to sell your old computer or want a fresh installation of OS after a serious virus or spyware attack.