It is very common phenomenon that we neglect the mails that irritate us. Though, we read those mails but do not bother to reply. The other party however remains in a wrong perception that the recipient hasn`t seen the mail. This situation is quite prominent in case of apply for jobs, talking to school Principal or while setting up a complaint against any organization . What if you could track your mail and find out if the other person has read your mail?
Now tracking of mail is very much possible. No more guessing whether he or she has read the mail. SpyPig is simple email tracking system that sends you a notification as soon as recipient opens and reads your mail.
SpyPig works well on major email programs like Outlook, Eudora, Yahoo , Gmail, Hotmail , AOL etc. And the best part is that SpyPig is absolutely free and simple to use. However, there are some limitations; it demands both the parties to use an HTML formatted email, not a plain text or rich text formatted email. It might also be possible that the recipient side`s firewall blocks the image.
Sometimes we even send emails to multiple people. SpyPig works and notifies you in such cases too. However, it doesn`t tell you which recipient has seen the mail.
To start with spying, initially you have to enter the senders email address followed the message title that you will be sending. Next, you have to select the SpyPIg tracking image. The webpage comes with 5 such images. Out of which, one of it acts as invisible image. You can upload your own image as well. Then select the number of notifications to receive. It varies from 3 to 100. Step 5 would be clicking the activate button. The selected image appears in a box below the button. You have to copy that image and paste it in your mail within 60 seconds. (Here comes the importance of invisible image, other party will not know if there is any image) and then send the image as usual.
Below are the snapshots of the notification that I received when the other party checked the mail.
Though the services tells the notifications accurately, but some information may not be accurate. The recepient browser was wrong in my case. It showed Safari though I used chrome. Other details very accurate. It showed the same IP address for sender and receiver. It was correct as I was checking this on the same PC, in same network with my alternate email ID.
I found this service quite interesting. I think I can call myself as a detective now. What do you have to say about this? Do let us know your comments.