Monitoring and keeping track internet usage is an important aspect for people usinginternet connections with limited bandwidth. With huge amount of data that we transfer daily either by browsing or downloading several files through internet normally makes it bit difficult to calculate the actual bandwidth usage. By default windows does not provide any appropriate methods to keep exact tract of the amount of data we are transferring. NetTraffic helps to solve this situation.
NetTraffic is a windows freeware application with an easy to use interface. Upon installation it resides in the system tray and you can view current real time upload and download status in a small window.
If you want to view traffic records for a particular date, week or month in detail then you have to right click on NetTraffic and go to statistics. Here you will get two options to view i.e general and charts/tables. In the general window you can view statistics in different modules like current state, average and prognosis. More details can obtained from charts/tables with specific searches of date and time. All these data can be saved in XML format for later reference.
NetTraffic measures network usage almost accurately and can be easily handled by beginners or home users with basic knowledge. It works with all versions of windows but there are some issues with windows 764 bit as reported by some users.